evitaDB - Fast e-commerce database

Price filtering

In the realm of e-commerce, users expect to see prices that are personalized to their context: local currency for easy understanding, accurate selling prices from the correct price list, and timely offers that may only be valid during specific periods. Catering to these expectations with sophisticated database filtering not only enhances user experience but also streamlines the shopping process, boosting satisfaction and sales.

This chapter contains the description of evitaDB constraints that help you to control the price for sale selection and to filter products by price.

Quick guide to filtering by price

Typical usage of price constraints

In most scenarios, your query for entities with prices will look like this:

To correctly identify an appropriate selling price, you must specify all three constraints in logical disjunction:

  1. priceInCurrency - the currency of the price for sale
  2. priceValidIn - the date and time at which the price for the sale must be valid
  3. priceInPriceLists - the set of price lists for which the customer is eligible, sorted from most preferred to least preferred.
Only a single occurrence of any of these three constraints is allowed in the filter part of the query. Currently, there is no way to switch context between different parts of the filter and build queries such as find a product whose price is either in "CZK" or "EUR" currency at this or that time using this constraint.

While it's technically possible to implement support for these tasks in evitaDB, they represent edge cases and there were more important scenarios to handle. Multiple combinations of these constraints will effectively stop finding a correct selling price and would only allow returning matching entities without a selling price.

The result set contains only products that have a valid price for sale in EUR currency:

Price for sale selection in a nutshell

If you find any statements in this chapter unclear, please read the price for sale calculation algorithm documentation, where you will find more examples and step-by-step breakdown of the procedure.
The price for sale selection depends on
mode the entity has set, but for all of the modes there is a common denominator - the price for sale is selected from prices marked as sellable that conform to the selected currency and price lists and are valid at the specified time. The first price that matches all of these criteria in the order of the price lists in the price list constraint argument is selected as the price for sale.

For non-default price inner record handling modes, the price is calculated this way:

The sales price is selected as the lowest sales price calculated separately for blocks of prices with the same inner record id. If the price between constraint is specified, the price is the lowest selling price valid for the specified price range.
The sales price is calculated as the sum of the sales prices calculated separately for blocks of prices with the same inner record ID. If the price between constraint is specified, the sales price is valid only if the total is within the specified price range.

Price in currency


A mandatory specification of the currency to which all prices targeted by the query must conform.

The currency code must be three-letter code according to ISO 4217.
constraint can be used to limit the result set to entities that have a price in the specified currency. Except for the standard use-case you can also create query with this constraint only:

The result set contains only products that have at least one price in EUR currency:

Price in price lists


A mandatory specification of one or more price list names in order of priority from most preferred to least preferred.

constraint defines the allowed set(s) of price lists that the entity must have to be included in the result set. The order of the price lists in the argument is important for the final price for sale calculation - see the price for sale calculation algorithm documentation. Price list names are represented by plain and are case-sensitive. Price lists don't have to be stored in the database as an entity, and if they are, they are not currently associated with the price list code defined in the prices of other entities. The pricing structure is simple and flat for now (but this may change in the future).
Except for the standard use-case you can also create query with this constraint only:

The result set contains only products that have at least one price in one of the VIP price lists mentioned:

Price valid in

A mandatory argument of date and time (with offset) in the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssXXX, for example 2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00.
In Java language you can use directly OffsetDateTime
excludes all entities that don't have a valid price for sale at the specified date and time. If the price doesn't have a validity property specified, it passes all validity checks.
To demonstrate the effect of validity constraints, let's create a query that lists products in the Christmas Electronics category and tries to access prices in their Christmas Price List, with a fallback to the Basic Price List, using a spring holiday date and time as the reference point for the price validity check:

Now let's update the query to use a date and time in December:

As you can see, you'll get a somewhat different sale price because the Christmas prices have now been applied:

The prices for the sale in May were different, because the Christmas prices were not valid at that time:

Price valid in now

This is the variant of the priceValidIn constraint that uses the current date and time as the reference point for the price validity check. The priceValidIn constraint allows you to specify any date and time in the future or in the past as the reference point.

Price between

A mandatory argument of the price range lower bound. The price range is inclusive, so the price must be greater than or equal to the lower bound. In the Java language you can use directly BigDecimal in plain text format, you must use the string representation of the number.
A mandatory argument of the price range upper bound. The price range is inclusive, so the price must be lesser than or equal to the upper bound. In the Java language you can use directly BigDecimal in plain text format, you must use the string representation of the number.
The constraint restricts the result set to items that have a price for sale within the specified price range. This constraint is typically set by the user interface to allow the user to filter products by price, and should be nested inside the userFilter constraint container so that it can be properly handled by the facet or histogram computations.
To demonstrate the price range constraint, let's create a query that lists products in the E-readers category and filters only those between €150 and €170.5:

The range is quite narrow, so the result set contains only a single product:

Author: Ing. Jan Novotný

Date updated: 7.11.2023

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