evitaDB - Fast e-commerce database


This article is a complete configuration guide for evitaDB instance.

The evitaDB server is configured in YAML format and its default settings are best described by the following code snippet:

Yes there are - you can use standardized metric system shortcuts for counts and sizes (all abbreviations are case-sensitive). See following table:
Kone thousand1K → 1,000
Mone million1M → 1,000,000
Gone billion1G → 1,000,000,000
Tone trillion1T → 1,000,000,000,000
Number formats
KBone kilobyte1KB → 1,024
MBone megabyte1MB → 1,048,576
GBone gigabyte1GB → 1,073,741,824
TBone terabyte1TB → 1,099,511,627,776
Size formats
1sone second1s → 1 secs
mone minute1m → 60 secs
hone hour1h → 3,600 secs
done day1d → 86,400 secs
done week1w → 604,800 secs
yone year1y → 31,556,926 secs
Time formats
The default configuration file is located in the file . As you can see, it contains variables that allow the propagation of arguments from the command line / environment variables that are present when the server is started. The format used in this file is :


The server name is a unique name for the evitaDB server instance and should be unique for each instance (environment) of the evitaDB installation. If no name is specified and the default evitaDB is left intact, it is automatically appended with a hash value calculated from the server host name, the main server storage directory path and the timestamp of the storage directory creation. This is done to ensure that the server name is unique even if the server is started multiple times on the same machine. The server name is used in clients to distinguish one server from another and to handle unique server certificates correctly.

Server configuration

This section contains general settings for the evitaDB server. It allows configuring thread pools, queues, timeouts:


Default: 4

It defines the minimum number of threads in the evitaDB main thread pool, threads are used for query processing, transactional updates and service tasks (vacuuming, cache revalidation). The value should be at least equal to the number of machine cores.


Default: 16

It defines the maximum number of threads in the evitaDB main thread pool. The value should be a multiple of the coreThreadCount value.


Default: 5

It defines the priority of the threads created in the pool (for future use).


Default: 100

It defines the maximum number of tasks that can accumulate in the queue waiting for the free thread from the thread pool to process them. Tasks that exceed this limit will be discarded (new requests/other tasks will fail with an exception).


Default: 1

It sets the timeout in seconds after which threads that are supposed to be short-running should timeout and cancel its execution.


Default: 30

It sets an interval in seconds in which short-running timed out threads are forced to be killed (unfortunately, it's not guarantied that the threads will be actually killed) and stack traces are printed


Default: 60

It specifies the maximum acceptable period of inactivity before it is forcibly closed by the server side.


Default: false

It switches the evitaDB server into read-only mode, where no updates are allowed and the server only provides read access to the data of the catalogs present in the data directory at the start of the server instance.


Default: false

It disables logging of helper info messages (e.g.: startup info). Note that it doesn't disable the main logging handled by the Slf4j logging facade.

This setting should not be used when running multiple server instances inside single JVM because it is currently not thread-safe.

Storage configuration

This section contains configuration options for the storage layer of the database.


Default: null

It defines the folder where evitaDB stores its catalog data. The path can be specified relative to the working directory of the application in absolute form (recommended).


Default: 60

It specifies the maximum amount of time the thread may wait to get an exclusive WRITE lock on the file to write its data. Changing this value should not be necessary if everything is going well.


Default: 60

It specifies a timeout for evitaDB to wait for the release of read handles to a file. If the file handle is not released within the timeout, the calling process will get an exception. Changing this value should not be necessary if everything works fine.


Default: 4MB

The output buffer size determines how large a buffer is kept in memory for output purposes. The size of the buffer limits the maximum size of an individual record in the key/value data store.


Default: 12

It defines the maximum number of simultaneously opened file read handles.

This setting should be set in sync with file handle settings in operating system. Read these articles for Linux or MacOS

Default: true

It determines whether CRC32C checksums are calculated for written records in a key/value store, and also whether the CRC32C checksum is checked when a record is read.

It is strongly recommended that this setting be set to true, as it will report potentially corrupt records as early as possible.

Default: 0.5 (when waste exceeds 50% the file is compacted)

Minimal share of active records in the data file. If the share is lower and the file size exceeds also fileSizeCompactionThresholdBytes limit, the file will be compacted. It means new file containing only active records will be written next to original file.


Default: 100MB

Minimal file size threshold for compaction. If the file size is lower, the file will not be compacted even if the share of active records is lower than the minimal share.

Transaction configuration

This section contains configuration options for the storage layer of the database dedicated to transaction handling.


Default: /tmp/evitaDB/transaction

Directory on local disk where Evita creates temporary folders and files for transactional transaction. By default, temporary directory is used - but it is a good idea to set your own directory to avoid problems with disk space.


Default: 16MB

Number of bytes that are allocated on off-heap memory for transaction memory buffer. This buffer is used to store temporary (isolated) transactional data before they are committed to the database. If the buffer is full, the transaction data are immediately written to the disk and the transaction processing gets slower.


Default: 256

Number of slices of the transactionMemoryBufferLimitSizeBytes buffer. The more slices the smaller they get and the higher the probability that the buffer will be full and will have to be copied to the disk.


Default: 16MB

Size of the Write-Ahead Log (WAL) file in bytes before it is rotated.


Default: 8

Number of WAL files to keep. Increase this number in combination with walFileSizeBytes if you want to keep longer history of changes.


Default: 1K

Size of the catalog queue for parallel transaction. If there are more transaction than the number of free threads in the pool, the transaction are queued. If the queue is full, the transaction is rejected.


Default: 1s

The frequency of flushing the transactional data to the disk when they are sequentially processed. If database process the (small) transaction very quickly, it may decide to process next transaction before flushing changes to the disk. If the client waits for WAIT_FOR_INDEX_PROPAGATION he may wait entire flushFrequencyInMillis milliseconds before he gets the response.

Cache configuration

The cache speeds up responses for fully or partially identical queries. The cache might in some case increase the throughput of the system several times.

In current version we recommend disabling the cache until the issue #37 is resolved.

Default: true

This setting enables or disables the use of the cache entirely.


Default: CACHE

This setting enables or disables caching of Java reflection information. The CACHE mode is usually recommended unless you're running some kind of test.


Default: 60

It defines the period for re-evaluating cache adepts to be propagated to cache or pruned. The reevaluation may be also triggered by exceeding maximum allowed anteroomRecordCount, but no later than reevaluateEachSeconds since the last re-evaluation (with the exception when there is no free thread in thread pool to serve this task). See detailed caching process description.


Default: 100K

It defines the maximum number of records in cache anteroom. When this count is reached the re-evaluation process is automatically triggered leading to anteroom purge. The anteroom is also periodically purged each reevaluateEachSeconds. See detailed caching process description.


Default: 10K

It specifies the minimum computational complexity that must be achieved to store the cached result in the cache. It's sort of a virtual number, so there's no guide as to how big it should be. If the cache fills up with a lot of results of doubtful use, you might try to increase this threshold to higher values.


Default: 2

It specifies the minimum number of times a computed result can be reused before it is cached. If the cache is filling up with cached values with low hit ratios, you might try increasing this threshold to higher values.


Default: null, which means that evitaDB uses 25% of the free memory measured at the moment it starts and loads all data into it

evitaDB tries to estimate the memory size of each cached object and avoid exceeding this threshold.

Measuring the exact amount of memory each object allocates is not easy in Java, and at the moment it's only an approximation from our side. According to our experience, our estimates are set higher than the reality and the system stops at around 90% of the set cacheSizeInBytes limit (but this experience is based on OS Linux, x86_64 architecture).

API configuration

This section of the configuration allows you to selectively enable, disable, and tweak specific APIs.


Default: 4

Defines the number of IO threads that will be used by Undertow for accept and send HTTP payload.


When evitaDB is running in a Docker container and the ports are exposed on the host systems the internally resolved local host name and port usually don't match the host name and port evitaDB is available on that host system. By specifying the exposedOn property you can specify the name (without port) of the host system host name that will be used by all API endpoints without specific exposedHost configuration property to use that host name and appropriate port.


Default: false

It enables / disables access log messages logging for all APIs.

TLS configuration

TLS support is enabled by default for most APIs but can be disabled individually per API in API configs. Note that if you set that each API has different TLS settings, each API must have its own port.

Common configuration is in the certificate subsection of the api. It allows configuring these settings:

Default: true

When set to true, a self-signed certificate authorityToggle Term Reference certificateToggle Term Reference and its private keyToggle Term Reference are automatically generated on server startup and used to communicate with clients.


Default: the sub-folder evita-server-certificates in the working directory

It represents a path to a folder where the generated authority certificate and its private key are stored. This setting is used only when generateAndUseSelfSigned is set to true.


This section allows you to configure an externally supplied certificateToggle Term Reference. It is only used if the generateAndUseSelfSigned is set to false.

The section requires these nested settings:

  • certificate: path to the public part of the certificate file (*.crt)
  • privateKey: path to the private key of the certificate (*.key)
  • privateKeyPassword: password for the private key
It is recommended to provide the private key password using command line argument (environment variable) api.certificate.custom.privateKeyPasssword and store id in a CI server secrets vault.
Yes there is. You can use standardized way importing the certificate authorityToggle Term Reference certificateToggle Term Reference to the Java trust store. This procedure is described in great detail in this article.

If no custom certificate is configured, the server will not start and an exception will be thrown. The server doesn't provide an unsecured connection for security reasons.

GraphQL API configuration


Default: true

It enables / disables GraphQL web API.


Default: localhost:5555

It specifies the host and port that the GraphQL API should listen on. The value may be identical to the REST API, but not to the gRPC or System API.


When evitaDB is running in a Docker container and the ports are exposed on the host systems the internally resolved local host name and port usually don't match the host name and port evitaDB is available on that host system. If you specify this property, the exposeOn global property is no longer used.


Default: true

Whether the TLS should be enabled for the GraphQL API. If multiple APIs share the same port, all such APIs need to have set the same tlsEnabled value, or each API must have its own port.


Default: null

Specifies comma separated origins that are allowed to consume the GraphQL API. If no origins are specified, i.e. null, all origins are allowed automatically.


Default: true

Controls whether queries that fetch data from evitaDB engine will be executed in parallel.

REST API configuration


Default: true

It enables / disables REST web API.


Default: localhost:5555

It specifies the host and port that the GraphQL API should listen on. The value may be identical to the GraphQL API, but not to the gRPC or System API.


When evitaDB is running in a Docker container and the ports are exposed on the host systems the internally resolved local host name and port usually don't match the host name and port evitaDB is available on that host system. If you specify this property, the exposeOn global property is no longer used.


Default: true

Whether the TLS should be enabled for the REST API. If multiple APIs share the same port, all such APIs need to have set the same tlsEnabled value, or each API must have its own port.


Default: null

Specifies comma separated origins that are allowed to consume the GraphQL API. If no origins are specified, i.e. null, all origins are allowed automatically.

gRPC API configuration


Default: true

It enables / disables gRPC web API.


Default: localhost:5555

It specifies the host and port that the GraphQL API should listen on. The value must be different from all other APIs because gRPC internally uses completely different web server.


When evitaDB is running in a Docker container and the ports are exposed on the host systems the internally resolved local host name and port usually don't match the host name and port evitaDB is available on that host system. If you specify this property, the exposeOn global property is no longer used.

Mutual TLS configuration


Default: true

It enables / disables mutual authentication.


Default: null

It allows you to define zero or more file paths pointing to public client certificatesToggle Term Reference. Only clients that present the correct certificate will be allowed to communicate with the gRPC web API.

System API configuration

There is a special api.endpoints.system endpoint that allows access over the unsecured HTTP protocol. Since it's the only exposed endpoint on the unsecured http protocol, it must run on a separate port. The endpoint allows anyone to download the public part of the server certificate.
It also allows downloading the default client private/public key pair if api.certificate.generateAndUseSelfSigned and api.gRPC.mTLS are both set to true. See default unsecure mTLS behaviour for more information.

Default: true

It enables / disables system web API.


Default: localhost:5557

It specifies the host and port on which the system API should listen. The value must be different from all other APIs because the system API needs to run on the insecure HTTP protocol while the other APIs use the secure one.

The system endpoint allows anyone to view public certificate authorityToggle Term Reference certificateToggle Term Reference and it also provides information for default mTLS implementation.


Default: false

Whether the TLS should be enabled for the System API. If multiple APIs share the same port, all such APIs need to have set the same tlsEnabled value, or each API must have its own port.


Default: null

Specifies comma separated origins that are allowed to consume the GraphQL API. If no origins are specified, i.e. null, all origins are allowed automatically.

evitaLab configuration

evitaLab configuration primarily exposes a special API used by the evitaLab web client. Besides that, it can also serve an entire evitaLab web client as its copy is built-in in evitaDB.

Default: true

It enables / disables evitaLab API.


Default: localhost:5555

It specifies the host and port that the evitaLab API/evitaLab web client should listen on. The value may be identical to the GraphQL API and REST API, but not to the gRPC or System API.


When evitaDB is running in a Docker container and the ports are exposed on the host systems the internally resolved local host name and port usually don't match the host name and port evitaDB is available on that host system. If you specify this property, the exposeOn global property is no longer used.


Default: true

Whether the TLS should be enabled for the evitaLab API/evitaLab web client. If multiple APIs share the same port, all such APIs need to have set the same tlsEnabled value, or each API must have its own port.


Default: null

Specifies comma separated origins that are allowed to consume the evitaLab API/evitaLab web client. If no origins are specified, i.e. null, all origins are allowed automatically.


See config

GUI configuration

This configuration controls how the actual evitaLab web client will be served through HTTP protocol.


Default: true

Whether evitaDB should serve the built-in evitaLab web client alongside the evitaLab API.


Default: false

Whether the evitaLab web client should be served in read-only mode. This means that it's runtime data and configuration cannot be changed. It doesn't mean that it will not allow you to change the data of an accessed evitaDB instance. This must be configured at the scope of the evitaDB instance.


Default: null

It allows passing a list of evitaDB connections to the web client. These connections will be ready to use by a user of the web client. By default (when null is passed), evitaDB will pass itself as a preconfigured connection for quick access. This can be disabled by passing empty list, or it can be completely overridden by passing a custom list of connections.

It accepts either a path to YAML file prefixed with !include with a list of connections, or a list of connections directly in the main configuration. A single connection can be defined as follows:

This is especially useful for when the evitaDB server is running locally on a server behind a reverse proxy and it is exposed on a different public domain and port, not on a localhost. Without custom connection configuration pointing to the public domain, the evitaLab web client would try to connect to the server on localhost.

Author: Ing. Jan Novotný

Date updated: 1.3.2023

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