evitaDB - Fast e-commerce database


evitaDB's observability facilities are designed to help you monitor running evitaDB instances as well as to help you optimize your application during development. All monitoring facilities are based on our operational experience and development of e-commerce projects.

Work in progress
The functionality is not finalized - see issue #18 and issue #628.


evitaDB uses the SLF4J logging facade for logging both application log messages and access log messages. By default only application log messages are enabled, the access log messages must be explicitly enabled in configuration.
You can override our default logback configuration by providing your own logback.xml and configuring it in a standard way as documented on Logback site. For example by passing logback.configurationFile=/path/to/logback.xml as a JVM argument.
Our default Logback configuration can be found in GitHub repository:

Access log

If the accessLog property is set to true in the configuration, the server will log access log messages for all APIs using the Slf4j logging facade. These messages are logged at the INFO level and contain the ACCESS_LOG marker which you can use to separate standard messages from access log messages. Access log messages are logged by logger com.linecorp.armeria.logging.access (see Armeria documentation).

Server Logback utilities

evitaDB server comes ready with several custom utilities for easier configuration of the custom logged data.

Note: These utilities are only available in evitaDB server because the rest of the evitaDB codebase doesn't rely on a concrete implementation of the Slf4j logging facade. If the evitaDB is used as embedded instance, the following tools are not available, but can be used as reference to custom implementation in chosen framework.

Tooling for log aggregators

If a log aggregator is used to consume evitaDB log messages, it is often useful to app log messages as one-line JSON objects. Therefore, there is Logback layout ready-to-use to easily log app log messages as JSON objects. This layout logs messages as JSON objects and makes sure that everything is properly escaped, even newline characters in log messages (e.g. stack traces).
The layout is the io.evitadb.server.log.AppLogJsonLayout layout to log app log messages, and can be used as follows:

Readiness and liveness probes

The evitaDB server provides endpoints for Kubernetes readiness and liveness probes. The liveness probe is also configured as healthcheck by default in our Docker image. By default the health check waits 30s before it starts checking the server health, for larger databases you may need to increase this value using environment variable HEALTHCHECK_START_DELAY so that they have enough time to be loaded into memory.
When you change system API port don't forget to set SYSTEM_API_PORT environment variable
The healthcheck in the Docker image is configured to use the default system API port, which is 5555. If you change the port, the health check will immediately report an unhealthy container because it won't be able to reach the probe endpoint. You need to specify the new port using the SYSTEM_API_PORT environment variable of the Docker container.
Both probes are available in the system API and are accessible at the following endpoints:

Readiness probe

The probe will return 200 OK if the server is ready to accept traffic, otherwise it will return 503 Service Unavailable. Probe internally calls all enabled APIs via HTTP call on the server side to check if they are ready to serve traffic. Example response:

The overall status may be one of the following constants:

At least one API is not yet ready.
The server is ready to serve traffic.
At least one API that was ready is not ready anymore.
Server is shutting down. None of the APIs are ready.
Each of the enabled APIs has its own status so that you can see which particular API is not ready in case of STARTING or STALLING status.

Liveness probe

If the server is healthy, the probe will return 200 OK. Otherwise, it will return 503 Service Unavailable. Example response:

If the server is unhealthy, the response will list the problems.

Signalized when the consumed memory never goes below 85% of the maximum heap size and the GC tries to free the old generation at least once. This leads to repeated attempts of expensive old generation GC and pressure on host CPUs.
Signalized when the input queues are full and the server is not able to process incoming requests. The problem is reported when there is ration of rejected tasks to accepted tasks >= 2. This flag is cleared when the rejection ratio decreases below the specified threshold, which signalizes that server is able to process incoming requests again.
Signaled when there are occurrences of Java internal errors. These errors are usually caused by the server itself and are not related to the client's requests. Java errors signal fatal problems inside the JVM.
Signalized when the readiness probe signals that at least one external API, that is configured to be enabled doesn't respond to internal HTTP check call.


evitaDB server can publish metrics. The popular option of using the Prometheus solution was chosen as a way to make them available outside the application. evitaDB exposes a scraping endpoint to which the application publishes collected metrics at regular intervals, which can then be visualized using any tool such as Grafana.
Prometheus offers 4 types of metrics which can be published from applications, more in official docs:
  • Counter: a cumulative metric that represents a single monotonically increasing counter whose value can only be increase or be reset to zero on the start.
  • Gauge: represents a single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down.
  • Histogram: samples observations (usually things like request durations or response sizes) and counts them in configurable buckets. It also provides a sum of all observed values.
  • Summary: Similar to a histogram, a summary samples observations (usually things like request durations and response sizes). While it also provides a total count of observations and a sum of all observed values, it calculates configurable quantiles over a sliding time window.

The database server exposes two types of metrics:

  • JVM related metrics: these allow us to visualize important system information that can give us an overview of, for example, the state of the JVM, such as how much CPU and memory the database is using, how many threads it is using, or the current state of the Garbage Collector.
  • Internal evitaDB metrics: have a direct link to the state of the database, its data, indexes, query processing speed, etc.

Prometheus endpoint settings

To collect metrics and publish them to the scrape endpoint, you don't need to do anything other than have the observability API enabled in the evitaDB config - this is a default behaviour. You can also set the path to a YAML file that can be used to restrict what metrics are actually collected. Without its specification (or with an empty file), all metrics from both groups are automatically collected. The metrics are then available at the URL: http://[evita-server-name]:5555/observability/metrics.

The sample below shows the relevant part of the configuration file related to the metrics.

As mentioned above, separate groups can be specified from the two groups of metrics (system - JVM, internal - database) to constrain the collected data. From the JVM category ( more here), published metrics can be constrained by specifying selected names in the YAML array:
  • AllMetrics
  • JvmThreadsMetrics
  • JvmBufferPoolMetrics
  • JvmClassLoadingMetrics
  • JvmCompilationMetrics
  • JvmGarbageCollectorMetrics
  • JvmMemoryPoolAllocationMetrics
  • JvmMemoryMetrics
  • JvmRuntimeInfoMetric
  • ProcessMetrics
From the internal metrics section, metrics can also be constrained using the wildcard pattern in conjunction with Java package. Thus, we can specify the name of the package that contains the metrics we want to enable with the suffix ".*", which will enable the collection of all events in that category (package). It is also possible to specify individual metrics by specifying the full name of their corresponding class (package_path.class_name).
Internal metrics are documented in the Metrics reference section.

JFR events

The JFR events can also be associated with metrics, which are used for local diagnostics of Java applications and can provide deeper insight into their functioning. Unlike metrics that publish different types of data (counter, gauge, ...), JFR (Java Flight Recorder) responds to the invocation of any of the events targeted by the current recording. It is usually desirable to run a streaming recording that collects data on all registered events while it is running, and it can be saved to a file when the recording stops if desired. With JFR, one can also learn how long it took to process the monitored events or how many times each event was called during the monitored time. These internal events, which in the case of evitaDB share a class with Prometheus metrics, carry auxiliary information (catalog name, query parameters, etc.) which can help in solving more complex problems and finding performance bottlenecks. Among other things, of course, possible stack traces are stored in conjunction with this data.
In evitaDB, this concept has been integrated into the aforementioned Observability API (URL: /observability/), on which these endpoints exist for JFR control:

Check recording is running

Since only one recording can be running at a time, it is necessary to check if the recording is currently running. You can do this by calling the following endpoint:

The response will be empty if there is no active JFR recording. If there is an active recording, the response will return a JSON object representing the task:

List event groups to include in recording

To start recording JFR events, you must specify which JFR event groups to include in the recording. You can list all available event groups by invoking the following endpoint:

And you will get a list of all available event groups:

The id property is the identification of the group, which you must specify when starting the recording. Other properties just describe the group.

Start recording

Recording is started by calling the following endpoint:

The allowedEvents property is an array of event group IDs that you want to include in the recording.

Only one recording can be running at a time. If you try to start a new recording while another one is running, the server will return an error.

Stop recording

Recording can be stopped by calling the following endpoint:

And you'll get similar response as when checking if the recording is running:

The main difference is that the result of a JFR recording task includes a file that you can download from the server or find directly in the server's export folder. The file is automatically removed after a configured period of time.

Since the produced JFR files are binary and therefore not directly readable (the JDK offers a terminal utility JMC, but this is not ideal in terms of readability and orientation in the output), we plan to add a visualizer to evitaLab.


As an additional tool to support observability, evitaDB offers support for tracing, which is implemented here using OpenTelemetry. It offers to collect useful information on all queries to the database within a request made via any of the external APIs. This data is exported from the database using the OTLP exporter and then forwarded to the OpenTelemetry collector. The latter can sort, reduce, and forward the data to other applications that can be used to visualize it, for example (tools like Grafana using the Tempo module, Jaeger,...). To maximize the effect of tracing, it is also possible to use the so-called distributed tracing method, where not only data from evitaDB related to the executed requests will be collected and forwarded within the published query data, but also data from consumer applications that communicate with the database using the API.
Published information (spans using their spanId) can be aggregated using the same traceId, where a span is referred to in OpenTelemetry terminology as one specific recorded piece of information from any application with metadata about its processing, such as the duration of execution of a given action and any other custom attributes. A Span can optionally have a parent span (parent span), which will take care of the processing ( decision processes about keeping or discarding parts of the span tree) and propagating resulting decisions from parent spans to their children (child spans).

Tracing settings within evitaDB

As with metrics, tracing requires the observability API to be enabled and configured in the evitaDB config and enabled by default. To configure it, you need to specify the URL of OpenTelemetry collector and also the protocol (HTTP, GRPC) that the data will be sent over.

Connecting consumer applications

OpenTelemetry offers first-party libraries (for selected technologies with the ability to auto-instrument within consumer applications) to provide tracing from relevant parts such as HTTP communication or database operations. For most applications using either implicit support or additional libraries, no additional configuration is required to enable tracing, including auto-promotion to other services. However, the aforementioned automated approach limits the possibilities of adding custom traces, for which the use of a tracing SDK is required to manually create and integrate them with additional information into the tracing tree. For evitaDB there is no such library yet and therefore you need to manually configure OpenTelemetry including the mentioned OTLP exporter and set up Context propagation - for supported technologies you can find instructions on the official OpenTelemetry website.
The official libraries offer inject and extract methods on Context, which can be used to set (or extract) identifiers about the current context into the open connection of the transport layer used (HTTP, gRPC,...). This approach is heavily integrated into OpenTelemetry and is compatible across all the technologies it supports, where the use of this library is very similar and thus not difficult to integrate into multiple services.
Internally, OpenTelemetry uses a traceparent value for context propagation across services, which may look like this: 00-d4cda95b652f4a1592b449d5929fda1b-6e0c63257de34c92-01.

This consists of four parts:

  • 00: represents the version of TraceContext, nowadays this value is immutable,
  • d4cda95b652f4a1592b449d5929fda1b: traceId,
  • 6e0c63257de34c92: spanId - respectively, may represent parent-span-id,
  • 01: sampling decision, i.e. whether this span and its descendants should be published (01 means the span will be published, 00 means that it won't be published).
Available SDKs provide options for getting the current tracing context containing traceId and spanId across an application, often methods on the Context class are named current or active.

Inclusion of the traceId in the logs

The trace identifiers can be also used to group application log messages by traces and spans for easier debugging of errors that happened during a specific request. This is done using MDC support. evitaDB passes the trace and span identifiers to the MDC context under traceId and spanId names.
The specific usage depends on the used implementation of the SLF4J logging facade. For example in Logback this can be done using %X{traceId} and %X{spanId} patterns in the log pattern:

Traffic recording

In addition to the observability tools mentioned above, evitaDB also offers the ability to record all incoming traffic to the server. This feature is useful for debugging and development purposes, as it allows you to play back the recorded traffic and analyse the behaviour of the server in detail. The traffic recording feature is disabled by default and must be enabled in the server configuration.

These settings are recommended for local development:

For test/staging environments, omit trafficFlushIntervalInMilliseconds and leave it at the default. If you enable traffic logging in production, disable sourceQueryTracking as you won't normally need to access the query source code in production. In production you'll probably want to set a sampling rate using trafficSamplingPercentage.
Besides having access to the Active Traffic Recording tab in evitaLab, where you can list through all sessions, queries, mutations and entity fetches, you can also issue a traffic reporting task that will save the traffic data in a ZIP file and make it available for download. This file can be used for further analysis or to replay the traffic on different evitaDB instances.
The recorded traffic can be browsed and filtered in evitaLab and any query can be easily executed in the corresponding query console on the current dataset. Records can also be filtered by custom labels, traceIds or protocol types. You can easily isolate sets of traffic records that relate to a single business case, such as a single page rendering or a single API call.

Reference documentation

Author: Ing. Jan Novotný

Date updated: 17.1.2023

Documentation Source