Special behavioural filter constraint containers are used to define a filter constraint scope, which has a different
treatment in calculations, or to define a scope in which the entities are searched.
In Scope
mandatory enum argument representing the scope to which the filter constraints in the second and subsequent
arguments are applied
one or more mandatory filter conditions, combined by a logical link, used to filter entities only in
a specific scope
The inScope (
) filter container is used
to restrict filter conditions so that they only apply to a specific scope.
The evitaDB query engine is strict about indexes and does not allow you to filter or sort on data (attributes, references,
etc.) for which no index has been prepared in advance (it tries to avoid situations where a full scan would degrade query
performance). Scopes, on the other hand, allows us to get rid of unnecessary indexes when we know we will not need them
(archived data is not expected to be queried as extensively as live data) and free up some resources for more important
The scope filter constraint allows us to query entities in both scopes at once, which would be impossible if
we couldn't tell which filter constraint to apply to which scope. The inScope container is designed to handle this
It's obvious that the inScope container is not necessary if we are only querying entities in one scope. However, if
you do use it in this case, it must match the scope of the query. If you use the inScope container with the LIVE
scope, but the query is executed in the ARCHIVED scope, the engine will return an error.
For example, in our demo dataset we have only a few attributes indexed in the archive - namely url and code and
a few others. We don't index references, hierarchy or prices in archive scope. If we want to search for entities in both
scopes and use appropriate filter constraints, we need to use the inScope container in the following way:
The result contains two entities selected by the URL attribute. The entity in the live scope also satisfies
the hierarchy and price constraints specified in the inScope container. However, these constraints may not be valid
for the entity in the archive scope, as can be seen by looking at the input query.
mandatory one or more enum arguments representing the scope to be searched for the result
The scope (
) filtering allows you to specify
the scope in which the result is searched. Two scopes are available:
LIVE - the default scope, which searches the live data for the result
ARCHIVED - the scope that searches for the result in the archived data.
Scopes represent the means how evitaDB handles so called "soft deletes". The application can choose between a hard
delete and archiving the entity, which simply moves the entity to the archive scope. The details of the archiving
process are described in the chapter scopes and the reasons why this feature
exists are explained in the dedicated blog post.
By default, all queries behave as if the scope(LIVE) is present in the filter part, unless you explicitly specify
the scope constraint yourself. This means that no entity from the archive scope will be returned. If the entity has
a reference to an entity in the archive scope, the referenceHaving
won't be satisfied if only entities in the LIVE scope are queried. If you change the scope to scope(ARCHIVE), you
will only get entities from the archive scope. You can also mix entities from both scopes by specifying
scope(LIVE, ARCHIVE), and in such a case the referenceHaving
may also match entities from different scopes than the one being queried.
Unique constraints are only enforced within the same scope. This means that two entities in different scopes can have
the same unique attribute value. When you move an entity from one scope to another, the unique constraints within
the target scope are checked and if the entity violates the unique constraint, the move is refused.
If you query entities in both scopes using scope filter and use the filtering
constraint that exactly matches the unique attribute (attribute equals,
attribute in set, attribute is),
evitaDB will prefer the entity from the first scope specified in scope constraint over the entities in scopes defined
later in this scope constraint. This means that if you query a single entity by its unique attribute value (e.g. URL)
and search for the entity in both scopes, you will always get the entity from the first scope you declare in your query.
This behavior is not applied, when only partial match is used (e.g. attribute starts with,
There are a few archived entities in our demo dataset. Our schema is configured to index only the URL and code
attributes in the archived scope, so we can search for archived entities using only these attributes and, of course,
the primary key.
When we need to look up by the URL attribute, which is usually unique, there's an important difference, and that is
that the URL is only unique within its scope. This means that the same URL can be used for different entities in
different scopes. This is the case for some of our entities in our demo data set. The conflict for the unique key
between different entities is resolved by evitaDB by favouring the live entity over the archived one.
User filter
one or more mandatory filter constraints that will produce logical conjunction
works identically to the and constraint, but it distinguishes the filter scope, which is controlled by the user
through some kind of user interface, from the rest of the query, which contains the mandatory constraints on the result
set. The user-defined scope can be modified during certain calculations (such as the facet
or histogram calculation), while the mandatory part outside of userFilter cannot.
Let's look at the example where the facetHaving constraint is used inside
the userFilter container:
And compare it to the situation when we remove the userFilter container:
Facet summary with facetHaving in userFilter
Facet summary without userFilter scope
As you can see in the second image, the facet summary is greatly reduced to a single facet option that is selected by
the user. Because the facet is considered a "mandatory" constraint in this case, it behaves the same as
the referenceHaving constraint, which is combined with other constraints via logical
disjunction. Since there is no other entity that would refer to both the amazon brand and another brand (of course,
a product can only have a single brand), the other possible options are automatically removed from the facet summary
because they would produce an empty result set.